Laura Puy Muguiro published an article last Wednesday on the Navarra journal on Vanessa Garde’s latest works. The article revolves around the challenges that composer Vanesa Garde had to face to score Venus, Jaume Balagueró latest horror film that premiered at the...
The new suspense series by Ramón Campos, Teresa Fernández-Valdés, Gema R. Neira, David Pinillos and María Ripoll will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on September 16 Set in the late 1940s in Galicia, a daring young upper-class woman with a detective’s soul, Marina...
Turu and the Wackies, the Spanish animated series, premieres on September 10th and 12th on the channels À Punt Media and Clan, respectively. Based on the characters from Turu, the Wacky Hen, the award-winning animated children’s movie that won the Goya and...
Composer Vanessa Garde´s soundtrack for the Spanish police thriller television series is being released today on all major digital music streaming services. Starring Adriana Ugarte, Blanca Portillo and Iván Massagué, the show was originally released on Amazon...