Turu and the Wackies, the Spanish animated series, premieres on September 10th and 12th on the channels À Punt Media and Clan, respectively. Based on the characters from Turu, the Wacky Hen, the award-winning animated children’s movie that won the Goya and Platinum awards. The show will be broadcasted on À Punt Media from September 10th in its Valencian version on Saturdays and Sundays at 9:15 a.m.. And from September 12th from Monday to Friday at 5:45 p.m. on Clan in its Spanish version.

100 dias con la Tata Poster

The endearing chicken Turuleca jumps onto the television screen with the premiere of ‘Turu and the Wackies”, a fun, high-quality 3D series that seeks to educate and introduce preschool audiences to the basics of music through the witty and exciting adventures of a group of animal friends that decide to form a musical group: “The Wackies”.

Each episode introduces a different musical genre through a song that The Wackies play. In the series, the 26 original songs created by Eduardo Frigerio and Tomás Tyrrell cover a large variety of different musical genres, while the engaging soundtrack composed by Vanessa Garde accompanies each and every single one of their adventures.

‘Turu and the Wackies’ is based on the main character from ‘Turu, the Wacky Hen’, an animated movie screened in more than 75 countries, which has received numerous awards such as the Goya Award for Best Animated Film and the Platinum Award for Best Ibero-American Animated Film and has furthermore been a finalist for the Quirino Awards for Best Ibero-American Animated Feature Film.

Enjoy the official trailer below!
