The Navarra Ensemble Orchestra played last Friday, November 26, at the Casa de Cultura of Villalba Auditorium (Navarra, Spain) its program for the concert “Mastre Composers”.

Navarra Ensemble Vanessa Garde

The program, made up entirely of string orchestra pieces written by female composers, paid tribute to six women who, despite the respective difficulties of their times, chose to dedicate their lives to music.

The concert featured a performance by the renowned Pamplona-born harpsichordist Eloy Orzaiz Galarza and premiered the “Parot Suite”, based on the homonymous Amazon series, composed by Vanessa and arranged expressly for the occasion.

The Navarra Ensemble conducted by Santiago Blanco Cabaleiro also played pieces written by Amalia von Preussen, Camilla de Rossi, Wilhelmine von Bayreuth, Elfrida Andree and Caroline Shaw.
