Embracing Chaos: The Unconventional Symphony of “Un mal día lo tiene cualquiera” In a world where routines reign supreme and order is revered, there exists a certain allure in the chaotic unknown. “Un mal día lo tiene cualquiera,” directed by...
In the latest “Under-the-Radar Round Up 2023” on Moviemusikuk.us, Vanessa Garde’s score for “Ocho Apellidos Marroquís” takes the spotlight. The feature film, the third installment in the popular Spanish comedy film series, introduces a...
TheMovieScores.com welcomed a new section dedicated to rising talents in the film music industry. To kick it off, they interviewed Vanessa Garde, a renowned composer who has shone in six recent films, including “Kepler Sexto B,” honored with the Berlanga...
Renowned Navarran composer Vanessa Garde recently sat down for an exclusive interview with Noticias de Navarra, sharing insights into her musical journey and the forthcoming Berlanga Award she is set to receive for her outstanding work on the ‘Kepler Sexto...
‘Kepler Sexto B’ claims the top spot at the Berlanga Awards for Valencian audiovisuals. At the ceremony held last Saturday, November 11, at the Palau de les Arts the Berlanga Awards honored the best Valencian audiovisual productions of the year, crowning...