Vanessa has been appointed as the Vice President of Education for the upcoming AES European event, a position aimed at enhancing the educational aspects of the upcoming conference. This role will focus on modernizing and expanding the learning opportunities provided...
The new Fernando García-Ruiz film, Odio el Verano, starring Malena Alterio, Kira Miró, Julián López and Roberto Álamo has a taeser trailer and a relase date. Odio el Verano, a Telecinco Cinema family comedy directed by Fernando García-Ruiz and produced by Sony...
The highly anticipated series “Perverso” has finally premiered on Amazon Prime, produced by Onza TV, and directed by Gustavo Ron, Federico Untermann and Alonso Laporta, the show brings a new wave of thrilling drama to viewers around the globe. This...
Vanessa Garde joins the musical journey of Count Rostov in ‘A Gentleman In Moscow’! This British television series, based on Amor Towles’ 2016 novel, written and directed by Ben Vanstone, and starring Ewan McGregor, premiered today on Paramount+ via...
Vanessa Garde has earned a coveted nomination at the Movie Music UK Awards for Best Original Score in a Comedy Film for her exceptional work on Ocho Apellidos Marroquís. Congratulations to the whole music team! Amongst the nominees were Takatsugu Muramatsu (In Love...