“Odio el Verano”, directed by Fernando García-Ruiz and written by David Marqués, has become one of Spain’s biggest summer hits, grossing over 3 million euros at the box office. This comedy features Alonso (Roberto Álamo), Marisa (Malena Alterio),...
The latest episode of the spanish podcast “Amanece que no es podcast” is now available on the major audio streaming platforms, and it delves into a vital aspect of filmmaking: film scores. In this episode titled “Listening to Cinema: The Soundtracks...
Vanessa Garde will be leading, along with Óscar Senén, Víctor Portugal, Carles Delgado, Manel Santisteban and José Luis Crespo, an upcoming course titled “Herramientas para la Composición de Música Audiovisual”, organized by the Fundación SGAE. This...
Cuerpo Escombro, the latest comedy directed by Curro Velázquez and produced by Morena Films, hits theaters across Spain today, August 9th. The film’s soundtrack has been composed by Vanessa Garde. We can’t guarantee if they’ll catch a liar faster than a...
Vanessa Garde has been awarded the Musimagen Prize for Best Original Score in a Documentary for “Mientras Seas Tú.” This award is particularly significant as it comes from fellow composers within the music industry, highlighting her peers’ respect...