The highly anticipated series “Perverso” has finally premiered on Amazon Prime, produced by Onza TV, and directed by Gustavo Ron, Federico Untermann and Alonso Laporta, the show brings a new wave of thrilling drama to viewers around the globe. This premiere is accompanied by the release of its mesmerizing soundtrack album on all major audio streaming platforms, adding another layer of excitement for the public.

The series portrays Haro (Massagué), as a refined and cunning aristocrat serving time for rape and murder. Haro faces a death threat from a kidnapper targeting the business elite. Using this situation to his advantage, Haro negotiates prison benefits by cooperating in the kidnapping investigation, all while secretly planning his revenge against the judge (Miró) who imprisoned him.

Vaya Vacaciones BSO Vanessa Garde

Soundtrack Album: A Musical Journey

The soundtrack album, now available on all major audio streaming platforms, features a collection of tracks meticulously crafted, offering a blend of suspense, emotion, and intrigue that mirrors the series’ storyline. Here is the complete tracklist for the soundtrack:

  1. Secretos Heredados
  2. Las preguntas las hago yo
  3. Te lo advertí
  4. Los odia
  5. La testigo
  6. Mi reina, tu rey
  7. Huida y sentencia
  8. Redención
  9. Secuestrado
  10. Visita no inocente
  11. Sorpréndeme
  12. Borderline
  13. Cabeza pensante
  14. Una casa de escombros
  15. No estamos seguros
  16. Otra realidad
  17. Conexión
  18. Me hiciste mentir
  19. Familia
  20. Cripta
  21. Salvando la familia
  22. Hermanas
  23. Mi historia
  24. Convento
  25. Lazos familiares


Score, programming and music production: Vanessa Garde

Orchestration: Joaquim Badia and Lucía Vázquez Montenegro

Sound Design and Modular Electronic Programming: Carles Delgado

Music editor and composer’s assistant: Lucía Vázquez Montenegro

Mixing Engineer: Vanessa Garde

Guitars: Oliver Martín de la Cruz

Orchestra: Budapest Art Orchestra and Famesproject

Composer’s Office: JUNY Film Composers
