The “La Villafranquesa” Music Band marked its tenth anniversary with a notable musical event. On this occasion, the piece Poema Cinematográfico Villafranqués was premiered, commissioned to composer Vanessa Garde, who was also actively involved in the event. The work, which incorporates musical elements inspired by the town’s traditional melodies, was performed by the band under the direction of Ramiro Mediavilla.

The premiere took place on the night of September 14th at 10:30 p.m., with the presence of various band members and the support of the Villafranca City Council, as well as family and local residents. The composition, described as an interpretation of the town’s music through a cinematic lens, blends local sounds and traditions with a more modern, orchestral approach.

The event served as a unifying moment for the community, highlighting the role of music as an integral part of the local culture.
